Entering, applying, and releasing cash
When you enter a payment, you must select the open items that the payment will apply to. There are several forms that you can use to enter and apply payments.
A recommended form for Grant Management users is Contract Activity Application (AR32.1). Use this form to enter and apply cash to open items that are associated with a contract, contract activity or activity group. You can also review your applications for errors before you process them.
If you use multiple currencies, or need more information about entering, applying, and releasing cash, then see Accounts Receivable User Guide.
You must release the batch that are associated with payments to update the customer balances and make the payments available for posting. You cannot adjust the payments after releasing them.
Use this procedure to enter and apply cash using activity-based entry and application.
Handling multiple currency applications
You can apply cash to transactions that are in non-base currency. The transactions will display in the currency of the payment. Multiple currency application allows you to process transactions when company base, transaction, and payment currencies are all different.
Contract Activity Application (AR32.1) displays all open items for the contract, activity group, or customer you have selected. This is how the open item currency amounts display:
Open items that have the same currency as the payment, display in payment currency.
Open items that have a different currency from the payment, display in payment currency when a currency relationship is defined between the payment and transaction.
Open items that have a different currency from the payment, display in transaction currency when a currency relationship is not defined between the payment and transaction.
Note: You cannot apply the payment to the open item or select the item for automatic application on Automatic Cash Application Audit (AR130) if the currency relationship or rate does not exist. You will receive an error message indicating that a currency relationship does not exist. Contract Activity Application (AR32.1) allows all items to be retrieved but the currency edit prevents an incomplete currency application from occurring.If you want to display only those open items that have a specific currency, then use the Selection Criteria filter to limit the display of open items to that currency. Click Filter to access the Selection Criteria subform. Select the Extended Transaction tab to specify or select a currency code. These items will also be selected for application.