Importing Labor Distribution Templates from a Non-Lawson Source

You can import labor distribution templates from an external (non-Lawson) source into the Grant Management application.

To import labor distribution templates

  1. Populate the Labor Distribution Template Interface file (GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi)) with labor distribution data and copy the file to your environment.
    1. Using the macro provided by Lawson, prepare a CSV file with fields that match the GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi) file.

      See the Grant Management File Layouts in KB2218730 on Infor Customer Portal.

    2. Using the importdb command, import the file into the GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi) file.
  2. Access Labor Distribution Template Interface Adjustment (GM51.1) to add, modify, or delete the labor distribution template records in the GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi) file.

    For a description of the fields, see the online help text or the field descriptions in the Grant Management File Layouts in KB2218730 on Infor Customer Portal.

  3. Run Labor Distribution Template Interface (GM510) to upload labor distribution templates from the Labor Distribution Template Interface file GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi) to the Grant Management labor distribution template header and detail files.

    Template header records are created for template lines that share the same HR company, employee number, job code, pay code, position, and effective date.

    Records can be imported with a status of Released, Unreleased, Hold, or Approved.

    Use these guidelines to enter field values.

    Run Group

    Select the run group that includes the records you want to interface.

    While the program is running, records in the run group cannot be edited or deleted by other programs.

    Apply Salary Cap

    Set the Salary Cap field to Yes to create overage lines to charge excess salary to if an employee's salary exceeds the salary cap for an activity.


    Run the report first with the Update option of No to generate an exception/error report that lists those records that will not successfully interface when you run the report in update mode.

    You can make corrections to the records before you actually attempt to update the database. Use Labor Distribution Template Interface Adjustment (GM51.1) to review and edit the interface records in the GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi) file before they are interfaced.

  4. Check the error report to verify that all records were interfaced.

    When interfaced, the records disappear from the GMTMPLREL (Unix/Windows) or DBGMGMU (IBMi) file. Records that failed to interface can still be reviewed and corrected using GM51.1.

  5. After you have corrected records that failed to interface, run GM510 again to interface the remaining records.
  6. View and edit the imported templates, like any other Grant Management labor distribution templates, using GM10.2, GM11.1, GM11.2, or GM11.4.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Print a list of labor distribution records. You can view the report by employee, activity, or General Ledger account. Labor Distribution Listing (GM210)
Create a report that identifies labor distribution records that are about to expire according to their end dates. You can view the report by employee or activity. Labor Distribution Expiration Report (GM410)
Print an exception report to compare approved GM10.2 detail records to the activity and general ledger setup and view any instances where the template data does not pass the edits. The report only shows the line items that are in error and shows the errors. Approved Template Exceptions (GM211)
Create a report to evaluate and update salary Cap on unreleased template lines for GM10.2 and GM12.2. The report shows the line items that are changed or added. Salary Cap Mass Calculation (GM116)