Defining a Salary Cap Schedule

Use this procedure to define a salary cap schedule.

A salary cap schedule includes one or more salary cap amounts with effective dates.

To define a salary cap schedule

  1. Access Salary Cap Schedule (GM05.1).
  2. To define the schedule, use the following guidelines to enter field values.
    Salary Cap Schedule

    Type the salary cap schedule name and description.

    Currency Code

    Type or select the currency for salary cap amounts in the salary cap schedule.

    Schedule Type

    Select the type of salary cap schedule. For example, Federal identifies schedules that apply to federally funded grants, and Private might apply to salary caps imposed by a pharmaceutical company that funds research.

    Valid values are:

    F = Federal

    S = State

    N = Foundation

    P = Private

    O = Other

    Effective Date

    Type the date the salary cap amount goes into effect.

    Entered Date

    Type the date the salary cap amount was entered in the salary cap schedule. If you leave this field blank, today's date defaults.

    Salary Cap Amount

    Type the annual salary cap amount in the currency of the schedule.


    Select whether the cap amount is active or inactive. Only active salary cap amounts are considered for determining whether an employee's salary exceed the cap. If you leave this field blank, Active defaults.

Related Programs

To Run
List salary cap schedules

Salary Cap Schedule Listing (GM205).

You can list all the salary cap schedules or a range of salary cap schedules.