Setting Up Award Deliverables

Agencies awarding grants may require research institutions to deliver products of the project. For example, your institution may have to provide a research report or an invention report. You define deliverables prior to the award setup on Codes (GM02.1). You can use Award Deliverables (GM04.1) to add deliverables to a grant activity and to track the assignment and completion of deliverables.

Before you can enter deliverables for an award, you must have the Deliverable code defined for code type DE on Codes (GM02.1)

To set up award deliverables

  1. Access Award Deliverables (GM04.1).
  2. Select the grant activity. The activity must be set as an award (the Award field is Yes on Activity (AC10.1), Award tab).
  3. Assign deliverables to the grant activity. Use the following guidelines to enter field values.

    Select the code that identifies the deliverable required by the award sponsor. You define deliverable codes for code type DE on Codes (GM02.1).


    Type or select the Human Resources company for the employee responsible for the deliverable.

    Responsible Employee

    Type or select the employee identification of the person responsible for the deliverable.

    Due Date

    Type the date the deliverable is due to the award sponsor.

    Delivered Date

    Type the date the deliverable was submitted to the award sponsor. All deliverables must have a delivered date entered before the award can be closed.

    User ID

    Displays the login ID of the user who updates the Delivered Date field.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Print a list of all deliverables that are due or about to become due Award Deliverables Alert Report (GM204)