Transferring balances and transactions from other application servers
Note: You will not be able to drill back to subsystem
data that does not get transferred to the target application server.
You can consolidate financial information for a General Ledger company that processes General Ledger transactions on more than one application server by transferring balances and transaction data. This process creates summarized balance information on the target application server for each posting account for a fiscal year. Use this procedure to transfer period balance data or transaction data.
Note: Balances come from the General Ledger Consolidation (GLCONSOL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGCN (for IBMi)) file. Transaction data comes from the Currency
(CUAMOUNT (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLCAM (for IBMi)) file, General Ledger Units (GLUNITS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGLU (for IBMi)) file, or both.
Follow-up tasks
Interface the data to the General Ledger application. Use the basic procedure for interfacing data, incorporating the specific programs and files designated for interfacing balances or transactions. See Interfacing data into General Ledger.