General Ledger process flow and key files

This diagram illustrates the General Ledger process flow through key files in the application (for UNIX/Windows).

Illustration: General Ledger process flow

This diagram illustrates the General Ledger process flow through key files in the application (for IBMi).

Illustration: General Ledger process flow

General Ledger process flow notes

Instead of using Journal Posting (GL190) to post a batch of entries, you can use the Quick Post form action on Journal Control (GL45) to post a single entry.

Instead of using Recurring Journal Interface (GL170) to transfer a batch of recurring entries, you can use the Journalize form action on Recurring Journal Control (GL75) to transfer a single recurring entry.

Files on the General Ledger process flow diagram

CAHEADER (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLCAH (for IBMi) holds header records for allocations
CADETAIL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLCAD (for IBMi) holds detail lines for allocations
CATRANS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLCAT (for IBMi) (temporary file) holds allocation transactions created by Allocation Calculation (CA110), prior to Allocation Interface (CA190)
FBDETAIL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLFBD (for IBMi) holds budgets for posting accounts
FBHEADER (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLFBH (for IBMi) holds header records for posting account budgets
CUAMOUNT (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLCAM (for IBMi) holds balances for the base, report, account, and transaction currencies for an account
GLAMOUNTS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGAM (for IBMi) holds amount balances for posting accounts for all posting accounting units
GLCONSOL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGCN (for IBMi) holds units, amounts and budget balances for summary accounting units or posting accounting units that are not at the lowest level in the company
GLCONTROL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGLC (for IBMi) holds header records for manual journal entries and subsystem or non-Lawson transactions that have been interfaced to General Ledger
GLTRANS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGLT (for IBMi) holds detail lines for manual journal entries and subsystem or non-Lawson transactions that have been interfaced to General Ledger
GLTRANSREL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGTR (for IBMi) (temporary file) holds detail lines for non-Lawson journal entries, prior to Transaction Conversion (GL165)
GLUNITS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGLU (for IBMi) holds unit balances for posting accounts
RJCONTROL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLRJC (for IBMi) holds header records for recurring entries
RJTRANS (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLRJT (for IBMi) holds detail lines for recurring entries

Key files not on the General Ledger process flow diagram

GLCHART (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGCH (for IBMi), GLCHARTSUM (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGCS (for IBMi), GLCHARTDTL (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGDT (for IBMi) holds the General Ledger Chart(s) of Accounts
GLMASTER (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGLM (for IBMi) holds valid accounting unit/account combinations
GLMASTREL (for UNIX/Windows) DBGLGMR (for IBMi) holds posting account balances prior to Balance Interface (GL167)
GLMONITOR (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGMN (for IBMi) holds the job completion status records. Used to control which jobs can run concurrently
GLNAMES (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGLN (for IBMi) holds summary and posting accounting units
GLSYSTEM (for UNIX/Windows) DBIFGLS (for IBMi) holds General Ledger companies and a field to indicate whether an update program is running to prevent other updates from taking place at the same time