What is Encumbrance Reporting and Analysis

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While any budget can be entered in GL94 and GL298, a Budget Actuals Company must enter the Commitment Budget since that is what holds the Budget Actual amounts for displaying Expenditures.

Commitment Analysis forms (GL94)

The Commitment Analysis forms (GL94) provide current information for Expenditures, Encumbrances, Budget, and remaining Budget amounts. For a Budget Actual company, Expenditures represent actuals for the year and period the originating encumbrance was created. For a non-Budget Actual company, Expenditures represent General Ledger Actuals.

Encumbrances may include pre-encumbrances, also referred to as commitments, which are Requisitions in the Lawson system. In the Commitment Analysis program, an asterisk next to an Encumbrance amount denotes the existence of pre-encumbrances. Use Commitment Account Detail or Accounting Unit Detail to view the pre-encumbrance and encumbrance records.

Commitment Analysis detail, GL94.6 and GL94.7, display Expenditures which are Budget Actual Transactions if the company is set up for the Budget Actual Encumbrance method. If the company does not use the Budget Actual Encumbrance method, the Expenditures display GL Actual Transactions.

GL Commitment Analysis Report (GL298)

Use GL Commitment Analysis Report (GL298) to report on Expenditures, Encumbrances, Budget, and Year-End Encumbrance information. If your company is set up for the Budget Actuals method (GL10), report types A and G, Commitment Analysis and Historical Commitment Analysis, provide expenditure and encumbrance amounts based on the Budget Actuals method.

GL298 reporting types C, D and I provide Budget Actual Transaction information as Expenditures for a Budget Actual Company.

Report type J, Year-End Budget Actual Analysis, provides expenditure and encumbrance information for year-end reporting for a budget actual company. GL197 and FB190 must be completed to report on year-end amounts. The Year-End Budget Actual Analysis Report uses the Budget Actual amount from the current year budget for expenditures and the Rollover Balance amount from the next year’s budget for encumbrances.

Use Report Writer to report on summarized budget actual information. Dictionary names ending with BAC are used for Budget Actuals, which are actuals realized in the same year as the corresponding encumbrances were created. FBA dictionary names access Future Budget Actuals, which are actuals realized in years subsequent to the encumbrance creation. Run RW590 to load the new data dictionary names. Combine the two dictionary names to compare the current budget actuals amount against the commitment budget amount.