Or Group Logic Tables

Use the Or Group field on List (MX10.1) to create an and/or condition between attributes. This determines if the attributes are grouped or treated individually. If you leave this field blank, "and" defaults, which connects two statements with an "and" condition. You can type any alphanumeric character in the field to create an "or" condition.

You can include combinations of "and" and "or" conditions. "And" conditions link value ranges together as one condition. For example, you might want to select accounting units that are in the Central region and are large stores. "Or" conditions are used to establish multiple sets of criteria that are applied separately. For example, you might want to select accounting units that are managed by Johnson or Smith.

If you have multiple conditions in a list, use an "or" in the Or Group field to separate the conditions. Selection criteria above or below an "or" condition are applied separately. The following table shows how attribute and "or" group combinations can be combined to create conditional statements.

Attribute Or Group Result
EQUAL NOT EQUAL Or condition
NOT EQUAL EQUAL And condition

The next table shows an example of attributes and or groups being combined to create the following statement: "Include all stores for company 4321 that were opened in 1999 or that were remodeled in 1999."

Attribute Value Range Or Group Result Notes
Company 4321 4321 1
Date Opened 01/01/1999 12/31/1999 1 And Attributes = Not Equal Or Group = Equal
Company 4321 4321 2 Or Attributes = Not Equal Or Group = Not Equal
Date Remodeled 01/01/1999 12/31/1999 2 And Attributes = Not Equal Or Group = Equal