Using the system data load method

  1. Access GL194.
  2. Select Company and Year.
  3. In the Load Option field, select System data.
  4. Access the System Data Option tab.

    Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Account Units -or-

    Specify or select up to six Accounting Units for updating Income Statement Beginning Balances.

    Accounting Unit List -or-

    Specify or select an Accounting Unit List to update Income Statement Beginning Balances for.

    An accounting unit list is a group of Accounting units defined in the MX system. If you select an accounting unit list, then leave company and accounting unit fields blank.

    Level Group

    Specify or select a Level Group to update Income Statement Beginning Balances for.

    A Level Group is a group of level ranges defined in the Level Group form RW40.

    Offset Account

    Select an Offset Account for updating Income Statement Beginning Balances.

    The Offset Account records the difference between the debit balances and credit balances to maintain a balanced adjustment to beginning balances. This account must be a Balance Sheet account and is usually within the Retained Earnings section of the Chart of Accounts.

    If zone balancing is set to No on Company (GL10.1), then the system will use the system accounting unit set up on Accounting Units - Accounts (GL20) for the offset. If zone balancing is set to Yes on Company (GL10.1), then the system will use the zone balance sheet accounting unit set up on Define Zone (GL30.2) for the offset.

  5. Run report with update option set to Report only to validate data.
  6. Run in update mode to process income statement beginning balances.
  7. Run GL320 to rebuild GLCONSOL