Approving Subcontractor Purchase Orders

The two ways to approve a subcontractor purchase order are to:

  • Complete the ProcessFlow approval process (see the IPA Services for Infor Lawson Reference Guide).

  • Directly approve using Purchase Order Direct Approval (PO24.1).

A Principal Investigator (PI) can unrelease, approve, or reject the subcontractor purchase order (the current status displays on PO24.1). After a subcontractor purchase order is approved, making changes to things like quantities, activities, or cost cause the subcontractor purchase order to be unreleased. When you release it a second time, you start the approval process again.

To approve a subcontractor purchase order

  1. Access Purchase Order Direct Approval (PO24.1).
  2. Type or select the company, vendor, purchase from, and purchase order number.
  3. Select the Approve form action.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Monitor subcontractor purchase orders by status (the report sorts by vendor) Subcontractor Monitoring Report (PO240)