Update Contract Funding Balance Amounts (GM54.1)

Use this procedure to update cumulative balance amounts for grant projects converted from your legacy systems. Contract Funding Balance (GM54.1) allows the ability to establish balance amounts for grant eligible expenditures and receivables (invoiced). GM54.1 will update the funding balance amounts stored on the Grant (GM15), Contract (GM20), and Contract Funding Source (GM20.3). Update Contract Fund Balances prior to running Grant Expenditure Allocation (GM120) for active grant projects. Once GM120 has been run in update mode for the contract, updates to the balances via GM54 are not allowed.

Update balances from your legacy system by accessing GM54.1 directly or the Excel Upload Wizard is useful for loading LTD balances. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet containing the balances you want to convert. The columns must match the file fields from the GMCNTRFND file.

Note: If you use Excel upload, you will need to update amounts on the GMGRANT and ACCNTRACT files as well. Using Contract Funding Balance Creation (GM54) will automatically update all three files.

To update cumulative balance amounts

  1. Access Contract Funding Balance Creation (GM54.1).
  2. Type the Contract Code and select the Inquire action.

    Select the action you want to perform on this line


    Displays the contract funding sources (grant/fund) defined on the Multi-Funded Contract (GM20).


    Displays the budgeted amount defined on the Multi-Funded Contract (GM20).


    Type the contract/funding source conversion balance amount or beginning balance for allocated expenditures from your legacy system.

    Requested Reimbursements

    Type the contract/funding source conversion balance amount or beginning balance for allocated requested amount from your legacy system.

    The inquire action will display the contract funding sources (grant/fund) and budgeted amount defined on the Multi-Funded Contract (GM20).