Defining Pay Request Format (GM14.1)

Use this form to create and maintain grantor pay request formats. The grantor or customer assigned to the grant/external funding source may have multiple pay request formats used to generate pay requests. Pay Request Formats determine the bill to address, contact information, pay request format (customer) and level of summarization standard for AR cash application.

Before you define a pay request format for grant billing, you must set up the customer (grantor) in the Accounts Receivable application and setup eligible expenditure activities as billable in Project Accounting. Setting up grant projects

To define grantor pay request format

  1. Access Pay Request Format (GM14).
  2. Select the Accounts Receivable Company associated with the customer.
  3. Select the Accounts Receivable Customer associated with the pay request format.
  4. Define the pay request format. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Pay Request Format

    Type a Pay Request format for this contract.

    AR Process Level

    Select the AR process level for the AR customer. A process level represents the reporting hierarchy below the company where Accounts Receivable information will be stored. The AR process level selected determines the AR account to be used for the debit entry when running Grant Request for Reimbursement (GM121) in update mode.

    Bill to

    Select a value that represents alternate billing information. This field allows you to override the main customer address. Must be a valid bill to on Customer Group Address (AR09.1).

    Contact Code

    Select a value representing the customer's primary contact. Must be a valid customer contact code on Customer Contacts (AR11.1).

    Pay Request Prefix

    Type a prefix that will be attached to the invoice number. The prefix must be exclusive to Billing and Revenue.

    Credit Memo Prefix

    Type a prefix that will be attached to the credit memo number. The prefix must be exclusive to Billing and Revenue.

    Request Format

    Select an output format for creating your invoice.

    Valid values are:

    S - Standard creates a basic invoice.

    C - Customized creates an XML output which can be mapped to any custom invoice format. This format includes every field and field description in the file and field descriptions.

    AR Interface Option

    Select an AR interface option to interface billing information to Accounts Receivable.

    Valid values are:

    S - Summary sends a single summary line for invoice.

    D - Detail sends full transaction detail. Use this option if cash is applied at the line level in Accounts Receivable

    A - Activity Summary sends transactions to Accounts Receivable by posting activity and account category.

    Note: If the Revenue Recognition Flag on GL01.7 is set to C, the AR Interface Option on the Grant Pay Request Format (GM14) must not equal S Summary. The Summary option sends a single summary line to the invoice in AR. The interface to AR (AROITEMS) must be set to D Detail or A Activity so deferred revenue can be reclassified to revenue at a posting level activity.
  5. Click Add.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Print a list of grantor pay request options

Reference the ACCUSTOMER file using Lawson Addins for Microsoft Office Query Wizard.

For complete information about Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office, see the Lawson Add-ins User Guide.