Grant Management Billing Data Files
Sys | 4GL Table | Prefix | Description | Form Number | File Information |
GM | GMCODES | GMF | Grant Fund Adjustment (AJ) and Delivery (DE) Codes | GM02.1 | User defined codes that will be used to identify Grant Deliverables and Adjustment Reason Codes used for Grant Fund Transfers and Adjustments. |
GM | GMFNDSRC | GFS | Funding Source | GM06.1 | User defined codes that will be used to identify funding sources for grant and non-grant funding. Funding sources for grants include the federal government, state government, and private grants. Non-grant funding includes local tax funds, loans and bonds. A funding source is assigned to each grant and non-grant fund for reporting. |
GM | GMINVCSTCL | GIL | Pay Request Cost Classification | GM07.1 | Grant pay request cost classification codes and descriptions. Assigned to grants for budgeting and pay request summarization. |
GM | GMCSTCLTMP | GTP | Cost Class Template | GM07.2 | Cost Classification template names and descriptions. |
GM | GMCCTMPDTL | GTD | Cost Class Account Category Relation | GM07.3 | The cost classification account category relationship file maintains the relationship or mapping between cost classifications and detail account categories. |
BR | ACCUSTOMER | CMR | Pay Request Format | GM14 | Customer pay request format parameters are used to determine invoicing and reporting options for generating Pay Requests Reports (GM121) and AR interface options. |
GM | GMGRANT | GRN | Grant and Non-Grant Fund | GM15/GM16 | The grant file contains both grants and non-grant funds and the accumulated balance amounts. The grant file also contains information about the grant including grantor, prime grantor, billing address, contact information, pay request option and reporting information. |
GM | GMGRANTBUD | GBD | Grant Budget | GM15.2 | The grant budget stores total grant amounts as reported on the NOGA (Notification of Grant Award). The grant budget is stored in the grant currency. The grant budget is entered by cost classification. Amounts include the grantee match portion and will be used when generating the Grant Request for Reimbursement (GM121) |
GM | GMGRANTDLV | GGD | Grant Deliverables | GM15.3 | The Grant Deliverables file stores information about different reports or other deliverables that need to be sent to a grant sponsor throughout the life of the grant before the grant can be closed. Grant Deliverables store due date and person responsible. |
BR | ACCNTRACT | CNT | Multi-Funded Contract | GM20.1 | The Contract file stores Multi-Funded Contracts. Multi-Funded contracts created via Multi Funded Contract (GM20) are defined with a Revenue Method = F (Multi-funded). For Grant Billing, the contract or agreement is the intersection of the project and the project funding sources. The Contract file also stores the contract amount and contract balances. |
GM | GMCNTRFND | GCF | Grant Contract Fund | GM20.1 | The contract funding file maintains the funding sources and funding rules for revenue method F (Multi-Funded) contracts. A contract may be funded by a single source or multiple sources. Funding sources may include one or many grants, funds, loans, and or bonds. Addition of this file allows the ability to bill multiple grant sponsors (customers) for a single project and also manage internal or non-grant funding and grant match requirements. The file maintains funding source, funding amount, priority, billable percent, match fund, and revenue GL accounts and activity revenue account categories. |
GM | GMFNDACT | GFB | Eligible Expenditure Activities | GM20.2 | Eligible expenditures (posting activities) for grant. |
GM | GMFNDACTX | GFX | Eligible Expenditure Account Categories | GM20.4 | Eligible expenditures (cost account categories) for grant. |
GM | GMFNDADJ | GAJ | Contract Fund Adjustment | GM40.1 | The Contract Adjustment file stores a log of funding adjustments by contract and fund. The file stores the amount of the adjustment, the date, time, reason, individual responsible for entering the adjustment and the individual who approved the adjustment |
GM | GMFNDADJX | GJX | Contract Fund Transfer | GM40.2 | The Contract Transfer file stores a log of funding transfers by from contract, from fund, and to contract, The file stores the amount of the transfer, the date, time, reason, individual responsible for entering the adjustment and the individual who approved the adjustment |
BR | ACHISTHDR | HIH | Pay Request Header | GM120, GM121 | The Invoice Header record contains inovice or pay request information for contract funding. |
BR | ACHISTDTL | HDT | Pay Request Detail | GM120, GM121 | The Invoice Detail records contains grant expenditures allocation records created by GM120. Contains records for both grant and non-grant funding sources. |
AC | ACACTGRP | AGP | Activity Group | AC00.1 | The Activity Group file contains activity group or program rules. Activity group is the highest level of reporting in Project Accounting. |
AC | ACGLCODE | AGC | Activity GLAccount Code | AC04.1 | Grant Funding Revenue and Revenue GL Account Codes used by GM121 to create journal entries in AC and GL. |
AC | ACACCTCAT | AAX | Activity Account Category | AC05.1 | Account category, description and the category type. The categories are then assigned to a Structure (AC08.1) |
AC | ACACCTCATX | AXX | Activity Acct Category Override | AC06.1 | Detailed override information on account categories for the posting activities under your contract activity. When eligible activities (GM20.2) and account categories (GM20.4) are added for a grant contract, we will only add the active cost categories assigned and flag as eligible for reimbursement. |
AC | ACGLACCT | AGA | Activity Account Assignment | AC07.1 |
Contains valid general ledger accounts in the AC system. The file contains activity group, activity, account category, the account field, and account group, as well as beginning and ending values and an Include/Exclude flag. AC system general ledger account records are created by Account Assignment (AC07.1). All Lawson subsystems verify accounts in this file if general ledger account editing in AC is specified. |
AC | STRUCTURE | SRE | Account Category Structure | AC08 | Holds the structure name, description and last sequence number for each category type |
AC | ACCATSUM | SRS | Summary Acct Category | AC08.1 | Summary account categories assigned to the category structure. This file is added and maintained via Category Structure (AC08.1). |
AC | ACCATSUMX | SRX | Activity Acct Category Detail | AC08.3 | All account Categories assigned to the summary account categories in the category structure. This file is maintained via Account Category Detail (AC08.3). |
AC | ACACTIVITY | ACV | Activity | AC10.1 | Contract, Summary and Posting Activity Setup |
AC | ACCONSOL | CSL | Activity Consol Balance | AC190 | Summary and contract level activity actual and budget balances. The balances are stored in activity group base, report one, and report two currencies. This file also stores activity group totals for activity budgets. |
AC | ACMASTER | MST | Activity Balance | AC190 | Posting level activity actual balances stored in activity group base currency. This file also stores contract level activities' billed/unbilled and retained account category balances. |
AC | ACSUMBAL | SMB | Activity Summary Balance | AC190 | Summary, contract and posting level activity actual and budget balances by activity and lowest level summary account category. The balances are stored in the activity group base currency. |
AC | ACTOTBAL | TOT | Activity Total Balance | AC190 | Summary, contract and posting level activity actual and budget balances by account category type. The balances are stored in activity group base, report one, and report two currencies. |
AC | ACTRANS | ATN | Activity Transaction | AC190 | Detail records for transactions posted to activities in the Project Accounting system (status 9). It also contains unreleased transactions created in Project Accounting (status 0) and transactions released from subsystems (status 1). |
AC | ACGLCONSL | GCO | Activity GL Consol Balance | AC191 | Summary and contract level activity actual balances by activity, account category, company, accounting unit and optionally by resource as well. The balances are stored in activity group base currency. |
AC | ACGLMAST | GMT | Activity Acct Unit Balance | AC191 | This file maintains posting-level activity balances by account category, company, accounting unit, and year in the activity group base currency. This file is updated by AC Accounting Unit Posting (AC191). |
AC | ACCUAMT | ACU | Activity Currency Balance | GM190 |
Posting level activity actual and budget balances stored in activity, report one and report two currencies if these currencies are different than the activity group base currency. You distinguish budget records from actual balance records by looking at the BUDGET-NBR field. If the BUDGET-NBR field is blank (or = 0), the information for the record is actual balances. If the BUDGET-NBR field is not blank (or not 0), the information for the record is budget balances. Life Only budget balances are stored in this file and will have the Year field blank (or = 0). |
AC | ACCOMMIT | MIT | Activity Commitments | Sub-systems |
The Activity Commitments Detail file and the Activity Transaction file contain commitment information. Commitments are activity transactions released in any originating subsystem but not yet posted to the Project Accounting system. This file and the Activity Commitments Detail file contain commitments not yet posted to the general ledger. The Activity Transaction file contains commitments posted to the general ledger but not yet posted to Project Accounting. |
AC | ACCOMMITX | MIX | Activity Commitments Detail | Sub-systems | This file keeps commitment detail. In addition to the key fields of activity group, activity, account category, fiscal year, period, system, company, currency code, and transaction object ID, this file includes accounting unit, account, subaccount, transaction amount, and transaction units. |