Creating Request for Reimbursements (GM121)

Use this procedure to create Grant Pay Request. GM121 generates pay request for grant sponsors or other external funding sources. Run as often as required or dictated by the grant sponsor or agency. Generally, pay requests are created monthly or quarterly. Running Grant Request for Reimbursement will also update the following:

Accrual Revenue Recognition

  • Creates AC revenue entry and balanced GL journal entries.

  • Creates ACTRANS and GLTRANS records

  • Grant Fund Type will Debit AR and Credit Revenue

  • Non-Grant Fund Type will debit Revenue Offset and credit Revenue

Modified Accrual Revenue Recognition

  • Creates ACTRANS and GLTRANS records

  • Grant Fund Type will debit AR and credit deferred revenue

  • Non-grant Fund Type will debit revenue clearing account and credit revenue

  • Creates receivable records in AR for Grant invoices, AR open item header, and AR open items records.

  • Updates Requested Reimbursement balance amounts for Grant , Contract , and Funding Source records and cost classification LTD invoiced amounts.

  • Updates pay request status to processed (2).

To process grant request for reimbursement (GM121)

  1. Access Grant Request for Reimbursement (GM121).
  2. Type a Job Name and Description.
  3. The User Name defaults to your employee number. The Data Area/ID defaults to the environment you are using.
  4. Define selection criteria on the Activity tab. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Activity Group List

    Select or type the activity list you want to create an invoice for.

    Activity Group

    Select or type the activity group list, activities, or activity list which represent the contracts you would like to process and create pay requests for.


    Select or type the activities you want to create an invoice for. The activity should have been calculated on GM120. You can select up to six different activities.

    Activity List

    Select the predefined list which represents the list of contracts you would like to create an invoice for.


    This field determines if the pay request and update records are created or if only a report showing changes is created. The default is No, which creates a report but does not update records. Select Yes to create the pay request and update Project Accounting, General Ledger, and Accounts Receivable.

  5. Access Grant/Customer tab. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Grant or Company / Customer

    Select a Grant or AR Company and Customer to only invoice one (specific) funding source for the contract activity specified on the main tab.

    For example, a contract may have more than one external funding source (Bond and Grant). The bond may be drawn down or invoiced weekly, while the grant request for reimbursement is done quarterly. Type or select the bond AR Company and Customer on the Grant tab to only create an invoice for the bond.

  6. Access the Output Options tab. Use the following guidelines to enter fields:
    Pay Request Date

    Type or select the Pay Request Date.

    Posting Date

    Type or select the posting date.

    Pay Request Register

    Select Y (Yes) to print the pay request register. The default is N (No).

    Letter of Credit Summary Report

    Select Yes to print a letter of credit summary report. This report sorts invoice transactions by the letter of credit number assigned to the contract and provides a total amount for each letter of credit.

Reports Generated by GM121

File Name Form Report Description Content
GM121.prt GM121 Job submission parameters

Displays job parameters for your Multi-Funded Project Contract Activities.

Includes the contract activity group, activity or activity list, update option, user name, job name, step number, date and time.

The report options include running for a specific grant funding source, company and customer. Optional flags to include a pay request register and letter of credit summary report.

Report displays a message Processing Grant Request for Reimbursement.

summary5 GMIP.1 Grant Request for Reimbursement for Grants and External Funding Sources only

Prints the Pay Request for each Funding Source Customer and includes the grant or external funding source pay request information included on GM15.1.

Included in the pay request are totals by Contract Activity and the Grant and Match Balances by Cost Classification.

revdist4 GMIP.1 Revenue Distribution Summary for both Internal and External Funding Sources Report provides all detailed revenue transactions generated by funding source, contract activity and posting activity. The report includes a debit and credit column as well as the activity account category. The report is total by posting activity.
register1 GMIP.1 Pay Request Register Report provides a listing all Grant or External Funding Source pay requests by request date, company, customer, funding source and contract. The report also reports the number of pay requested generated.
letter2 GMIP.1 Letter of Credit Summary Report Report provides a listing of Grant or External Funding sources by the Letter of Credit assigned to the funding source on GM15.1. A total is also provided for all pay requests that do not have a letter of credit assigned.
arrpt7 ARLL.1 Transaction Interface This audit listing report includes all pay requests that will be interfaced into the Lawson Accounts Receivable system. Transactions are listed by company, request number, customer, tran date, due date and amount. Totals are provided for tran and base currency.
jrerpt6 IFJR.1 Journal Interface Control Report Report includes the summarized General Ledger journal entry infromation for each GL company, year and period.