Grant Billing Features
Grant Management Billing leverages the strengths and flexibility of Lawson Project Accounting for "project costing" and adds "project funding" functionality.
Grant Management Billing answers the Grant Manager and Project Managers questions:
How are my projects funded? "Sources of funds"
What are my project balances? "Uses of funds"
Grant Management Billing provides visibility into balances for the Multi-Funded Contract/Project and all associated funding sources
Project funding controls project spending
A simplistic way to bill or request reimbursement from grantors or other external funding sources
Grant Billing supports cost reimbursement billing
Grant Billing supports both accrual and modified accrual revenue recognition
Allows users to track the sources and uses of funding for grant sponsored projects
Allocation of expenditures to project funding sources based on funding rules
"Contract Funding" budget edit compares project expenditures to available funding
Track and report funding balances by contract, project, grant or other funding sources
Grant and Match/Cost Share budgeting options allows users to track budgets and expenditures by the grantor pay request cost classifications