Defining Funding Source Codes (GM06.1)

Use this form to create and maintain your contract funding source codes. A funding source represents an agency awarding grant funding, an internal source, or other external funding sources. You may want to set up a Federal funding source type, such as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), to track expenditures for your Federal Grants. The type associated with your funding source can be used to create a Schedule of Grants and Expenditures for your Federal, State and local grants.

You define funding sources prior to the Grant (GM15.1) and Non-Grant (GM16.1) setup. You can use Funding Source (GM06.1) to add funding sources you will assign to your Grant (GM15.1) or Non-Grant Fund (GM16.1).

To define funding source codes

  1. Access Funding Source (GM06).
  2. Define the funding source. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Funding Source

    Type a Funding Source code.


    Type a Description for the funding source. This is typically the federal, state, or local agency description.


    Select the type of funding source. The Type field flags the funding source to determine a grant's inclusion in standard federal and state reports.

    This field is used for reporting summarization.

    Valid values are:

    • F=Federal

    • S=State

    • P=Private

    • L=Loan

    • C=Local, such as property tax fund

    • B=Bond

    • D=Foundation

    • O=Other.

  3. Click Add.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
Print a list of funding source codes

Reference the GMFNDSRC file using Lawson Add-Ins for Microsoft Office Query Wizard.

For complete information about Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office, see the Lawson Add-ins User Guide.