Sales entries

Sales entries are records of sales figures and the corresponding contract charges. For example, a sales entry might contain the net sales amount and sales tax for a retail store's business cycle as well as the contract charges and the calculated total due amount.

There are three types of sales entries: estimates, call-in estimates, and actual invoice sales entries. To collect preliminary sales data to monitor your cycle sales results, you must create estimates and call-in estimates. To record actual closing sales amounts for the cycle, you must create actual invoice sales entries.

If you plan to create sales entries that include note-based charges for new contracts, then you must first activate the note-based charge and define the payment terms. See Maintaining customer contract charges.

Note:  If a customer does not have any sales data for a cycle (for example, a customer who runs a seasonal business), then you must continue to add sales entries with a zero closing sales amount for the applicable cycle dates.

First-time sales entries

First-time sales entries are call-in estimates or actual invoice sales entries for contracts that have never had a sales entry. You must create first-time sales entries before you create your first estimates.

Call-in estimates represent customer contract sales amounts and related charges that are verified by telephone with the sales representative. A call-in estimate provides more reliable data for predicting sales results for a cycle than a system-calculated estimate, which is based on the previous sales cycle. Creating call-in estimates is an optional task you may want to consider.

Actual invoice sales entries represent customer contract sales amounts that are verified by a customer fax or other official source. You must create released, actual invoice sales entries to invoice the associated charges.

Sales entry options

See Related programs for specifying sales data

In the past, Sales Entry (FR20.1) was the only program available for specifying sales reported by franchisees. Additional sales entry options are now available. You can use these programs to add and maintain sales entries:

  • Note: To learn more about interfacing payment records into the Accounts Receivable application, see the Accounts Receivable User Guide.
  • You can run Lockbox Interface (AR570) to interface Franchise Management payment records into the Accounts Receivable application. If a franchisee sends a payment to a franchiser before an invoice has been created, then the payment will originate from this program.

  • You can run Franchise Sales Interface (FR520) to interface sales data into the Franchise Management application using a batch process.

  • Interface Sales (FR97.1) is an online batch interface program. You can use this program to correct sales records that do not successfully interface into the Franchise Management application.

Budgeted sales

Budgets are defined at the company level on Sales Budget ID (FR02.1). You can assign budgets to individual contracts on Customer Contract (FR10.1). See Setting up Franchise Management.

You now have the option to record budget data. The budgets represent anticipated franchisee sales amounts. This feature enables you to interface budget data and maintain interface budget records, update existing budget data and report on budgeted sales.