Defining company options

Company options are default values that you use to process data interfaced to the General Ledger and Billing applications. You define company options for each company in your organization. Use this procedure to define processing options.

Before you define company options, you must define a calendar for the current, previous, and next year.

  1. Access Company Options (FR01.1).
  2. To define processing options for each franchiser company, use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Select the company number for the company that you want to define the processing options.

    AR Cash Code

    Select the cash code that identifies the cash account used when adding a note prepayment.

    Note: The cash code is automatically assigned to note prepayments for the debit to cash.
    Billing Default Process Level

    Select a valid process level, which is the reporting hierarchy below the company. A process level is defined on Process Level (BL01.1) and assigned to all invoices created when you run Invoice Interface (FR140).

    Billing Invoice Type

    Select the default invoice type. The invoice type is defined on Invoice Types (BL06.1) and assigned to all invoices created when you run Invoice Interface (FR140).

    Note: Do not select an invoice type that is a credit. The credit invoice type is determined by selecting Yes or No in the Credit field on Invoice Types (BL06.1).
    Invoice Prefix

    Specify a user-defined invoice prefix. The invoice prefix is assigned to invoices created when you run Invoice Interface (FR140).

    Note: The invoice prefix value you define must uniquely identify invoices originating from the Franchise Management application.
    Billing Credit Memo Type

    Select a credit memo for which you want to issue an adjustment to a franchisee.

    Credit Memo Prefix

    Specify a user-defined, two-character prefix that will precede the credit memo number for all credit memos created.

    Note: The credit memo prefix is assigned from the company or process level, depending on an invoicing option established for the company.
    Reason Code

    You can specify a code that identifies the reason for the credit memo.

    Billing Default Location

    Select a valid stocking location.

    Note: You define the stocking location for the company on Location (IC02.1). This value is assigned to all invoices created when you run Invoice Interface (FR140).
    Billing Default UOM

    Select a valid default stock UOM (Unit of Measure).

    Note: This value is defined for this company on Corporate Item Group (IC00.1) and assigned to all invoices created when you run Invoice Interface (FR140).
    Require Aggregate Sales

    If you select Yes, then sales data will be recorded for all contracts for the purpose of calculating sales-based charges. If you select No, then you will determine, at the contract level, which franchisees will use this processing option.

    Aggregate Sales by Date

    Optional. If you select Yes, then you can specify a specific, predefined date on Sales Entry (FR20.1) that will be used to record sales data for the purpose of calculating sales-based charges.

    Previous Year

    Select the previous fiscal calendar year you defined on Billing Calendar (FR00.2) or on Sales Calendar (FR00.3).

    Note: This value represents the year before the current fiscal year and is used for cycle processing.
    Current Year

    Select the current fiscal calendar year you defined on Billing Calendar (FR00.2) or on Sales Calendar (FR00.3).

    Note: This value represents the primary calendar that the application uses for cycle processing.
    Next Year

    Select the next fiscal calendar year that you defined on Billing Calendar (FR00.2) or on Sales Calendar (FR00.3).

    Note: In the last cycle of the current fiscal year, when you release sales entries on Sales Entry (FR20.1), this calendar is used to calculate the next cycle date that appears on Sales Based Charge Maintenance (FR15.2), Note Based Charge Maintenance (FR15.4), and Special Charge Maintenance (FR15.6).
  3. To maintain contract and sales data, you can select User Fields to open FR User Field Types (FR01.2).