Defining budget edit parameters for company

Use this procedure to define budget editing parameters at the company level.

  1. Access Company (GL10.1).
  2. Define the budget edit range and type for the company. Use these guidelines to specify the values on the Main tab. For more information about Company, see the General Ledger User Guide.
    Budget Edit Date Range

    Select how the system will edit your budget.

    • N = No Edit

    • P = Period Budget

    • Y = Year to Date Budget

    • A = Annual Budget

    Budget Edit Type

    Select the type of edit that you will use.

    If you select Detai, then the system will use a specific accounting unit and account to edit the budget.

    If you select Summary, then the system will use a group of accounting units or accounts to edit the budget. To use Summary type, you must define a budget edit group on Budget Edit Group (FB11.1). See Defining budget edit groups.