Tables that are used in this interface

When the interface is run, data is extracted from the tables and sent to WMS. These tables are used in the Lawson-WMS interface:

Outbound tables

ICCOUT Validation table for outside warehouse locations.
ITEMASTOUT Output table for item master information.
POHDROUT Output table for purchase order information.
POLINEOUT Output table for purchase order information.
RACMNTOUT Output table for customer return authorization comment information.
RAHDROUT Output table for customer return authorization return header information.
RALDTLOUT Output table for customer return authorization line detail information.
RALINEOUT Output table for customer return authorization return line information.
WHSCMNTOUT Output table for shipment pick list comment information.
WHSCOMPOUT Output table for shipment pick list component information.
WHSHPMTOUT Output table for shipment pick list shipment header information.
WHSLINEOUT Output table for shipment pick list shipment line information.

Inbound tables

ICCPHYINV Input table for physical inventories.
ICCTRNHDR Input table for Inventory Control transaction headers.
ICCTRNLIN Input table for Inventory Control transaction lines.
MACRECAOC Input table for add-on charge information.
MACRECHDR Input table for header information.
MACRECLINE Input table for line information.
OERETHDRIN Input table for customer return authorization receipt header information.
OERETLNIN Input table for customer return authorization receipt line information.
OERETCMTIN Input table for customer return authorization receipt comment information.
WHSHLINEIN Input table for shipment confirmation line information.
WHSHPMNTIN Input table for shipment confirmation header information.