Tables that are used in this interface
When the interface is run, data is extracted from the tables and sent to WMS. These tables are used in the Lawson-WMS interface:
Outbound tables
ICCOUT | Validation table for outside warehouse locations. |
ITEMASTOUT | Output table for item master information. |
POHDROUT | Output table for purchase order information. |
POLINEOUT | Output table for purchase order information. |
RACMNTOUT | Output table for customer return authorization comment information. |
RAHDROUT | Output table for customer return authorization return header information. |
RALDTLOUT | Output table for customer return authorization line detail information. |
RALINEOUT | Output table for customer return authorization return line information. |
WHSCMNTOUT | Output table for shipment pick list comment information. |
WHSCOMPOUT | Output table for shipment pick list component information. |
WHSHPMTOUT | Output table for shipment pick list shipment header information. |
WHSLINEOUT | Output table for shipment pick list shipment line information. |
Inbound tables
ICCPHYINV | Input table for physical inventories. |
ICCTRNHDR | Input table for Inventory Control transaction headers. |
ICCTRNLIN | Input table for Inventory Control transaction lines. |
MACRECAOC | Input table for add-on charge information. |
MACRECHDR | Input table for header information. |
MACRECLINE | Input table for line information. |
OERETHDRIN | Input table for customer return authorization receipt header information. |
OERETLNIN | Input table for customer return authorization receipt line information. |
OERETCMTIN | Input table for customer return authorization receipt comment information. |
WHSHLINEIN | Input table for shipment confirmation line information. |
WHSHPMNTIN | Input table for shipment confirmation header information. |