Cancelling requisitions

This procedure outlines the process for cancelling requisitions due to backordered or unallocated warehouse items.

  1. Access Cancellation By Item (WH25.1).
  2. Specify the company, location, and item number you want to cancel.
  3. Select Inquire.
    Note: The document number, application code, line number, requested quantity, and backordered quantity will display.
  4. Select Cancel in the line action field next to the line item you want to cancel. Specify the quantity you want to cancel.
    Note: You can perform full or partial cancellations.
  5. Select the Change form action to finish the line item cancellation or select Cancel All to cancel all the line items.
    Note: Infor Process Automation users have a service available that notifies the warehouse manager that requisition demand was cancelled. For information, see the LPA Services for Infor Lawson Reference Guide.