About entering orders in Lawson

There are several ways for you to enter customer orders, including speed entry, full entry, customer item number entry, copying orders, and interfacing orders.

Speed entry

Speed entry lets you enter item numbers without viewing item descriptions. Without the extra line for item descriptions, you have more lines to add items, making the entry process quicker.

Full entry

Full entry lets you enter item number and view their descriptions. This entry method has half the number of lines as the speed entry forms.

Customer item number entry

Instead of entering your inventory item numbers, you can enter a customer's item number onto an order. If you set up cross-reference item numbers during billing setup, the application automatically converts the customer item number into your inventory number. You can create cross-references for one customer, or make the reference generic for all customers. See Setting up the Billing application.

Copy orders

Instead of entering a new order, you can copy an order, in whole or in part, from a previous order or from a standard order. See Copying an order.

Interface orders

You can bring in orders from outside sources through an interface program. See Interfacing an order into Lawson.