Removing hold codes from a customer order

  1. Access Release Orders on Hold (OE90.1).
  2. Inquire on a specific customer.
    Note: In the Credit Approval field, select Y (Yes) to prevent the order from being placed on hold a second time when printing the pick list. You decide if you want a second credit check run when you set up the customer record.
  3. In the Code field, delete the hold code.
  4. Optional. This option is available for removing hold codes from individual lines. Access Release Order Lines on Hold (OE90.2) and follow the procedure to remove a hold code from an order. See Removing hold codes from customer orders.
  5. Optional. This option is available for removing hold codes that you assigned to an order. Access Item Entry (OE10.3) and delete the hold code that you entered on Order Options (OE12.1). You can also remove manually assigned hold codes using Release Orders on Hold (OE90.1).
  6. Select the Change form action.