
An attribute is a field that holds information you can use to group records for reporting, inquiry, and processing. Specifically, attributes hold information about:

  • Activities for Project Accounting and Billing and Revenue Management

  • Accounting units and accounts for General Ledger, Inventory Control, and Purchase Order

  • Assets for Asset Management

  • Cash codes for Cash Management

  • Customers for Accounts Receivable, Order Entry, Billing, and Warehouse

  • Items for Inventory Control, Purchase Order, Order Entry, Warehouse, Production Order, Requisitions

  • Leases for Lease Management

  • User analyses for Strategic Ledger

  • Vendors for Accounts Payable, Invoice Matching, and Purchase Order

Example: using attributes with customers

For example, you want to find all customers who order a specific type of product, for example special items. Using customer attributes, you can run a report for all customers who order special items.

Example: using attributes with items

For example, you want to find all items that belong to a specific sales class. Using item attributes, you can run a report for all items in a specific region, for example, the Western sales region.