Defining order discount codes

If you offer discounts to customers based on order totals, then you can define order discount codes. This procedure explains how to define order discount codes.

  1. Access Order Discount Code (OE59.1).
  2. Define header information. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Specify the order discount code and a description.


    If you have multiple currencies, then select the currency to use for this discount.

    GL Account

    Select the accounting unit, account, and subaccount to debit when you create an order discount.

    Note: Order totals including and greater than the order total quantity limit will receive the discount. To specify an order discount code without a limit, specify 99999999999 in the field.
  3. Specify the monetary total quantity limit in the first Total Order Value Breaks field.
  4. Specify the discount percent for this order total quantity in the second Total Order Value Breaks field.
  5. Select the Add form action.
    Note: If you want to tie the order discount code to a customer, then access Customer (AR10.1) to assign the code. For more information, see the Accounts Receivable User Guide.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List order discount codes for a company Order Discount Code Listing (OE259)
Inquire on what if pricing scenarios, including discounts and check for accuracy during pricing setup Pricing Inquiry (BL90.1)