Defining company parameters

This procedure outlines the process for defining company parameters.

Before you define company parameters in Sales Analysis, you must have defined your company in the Billing application.

  1. Access Company (SA00.1).
  2. Define the company parameters. Complete these fields:

    Specify the company number.

    Number of Periods

    Select one of these sets of reporting periods:

    • 12 for monthly reporting periods

    • 13 to match your accounting calendar in the General Ledger application

    • 52 for weekly periods

    • 53 to match your accounting calendar in the General Ledger application

      Note: Each set represents the total number of reporting periods for the company. Sales Analysis periods do not have to match General Ledger periods.
    Drill Around Year

    Specify the current year.

    Current Period

    Specify the current period.

    Display Gross Amounts

    If you want to include sales discounts when displaying sales figures, then select Y (Yes).

    Note: This is not a one-time decision. You can change this field to N (No) as you need to.
    Store Override Addresses

    If you want to store an override address, then select Y (Yes).

    Summarize Sales Detail

    If you want to summarize data, then select Y (Yes).

    If you do not select summarization, then the application retrieves sales data from orders and invoices, but does not summarize it. Sales Analysis detail reports are still available.

    Performance Analysis

    If you want to create the performance for performance trend reporting, then select Y (Yes).

    Reason Code Analysis

    If you want to create the reason code trend for reason code trend reporting, then select Y (Yes).

  3. Select the Add form action.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List Sales Analysis companies Company Listing (SA200)