Contract pay cycles rule

Follow these steps to define the contract pay cycle rule:

  1. Access Date Detail Maintenance (CM03.1).
  2. Specify this information:

    Select a company.

    Contract Year

    Select a contract year.

    Work Schedule

    Select a work schedule.

    Effective Date

    Specify the contract effective date.

    First Pay Cycle End Date

    Specify the first pay cycle end date that the work schedule is eligible for pay.

    Load Frequency

    Select the frequency that would determine the Pay Cycle Date ranges to be generated.

    Adding the First Pay Cycle End Date requires the Load Frequency to be selected.

    Note: Load Frequency can only be used for weekly, bi-weekly, semimonthly, and monthly pay frequencies. For Non-standard pay frequencies (example: semi-monthly and non-standard monthly), pay cycle details must be manually specified.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use

Generate a report of work schedule details.

Generate the list of employee contracts tied to the specified contract work schedule.

Employee Contract Mass Add (CM201)