Creating a contract pay cycle rule

A contract pay cycle rule determines remaining cycles for work schedule pay cycles. Defining remaining cycles will automate the calculation of cycles when adding Employee Contracts (CW13.1) mid-year. This procedure outlines the process of defining contract pay cycle rules.

  1. Access Contract Pay Cycle Rule (CW03.1).
  2. Complete the Header information. Specify this information:

    Specify or select the HR company for the contract pay cycle rule.

    Contract Year

    Specify or select the contract year for the contract pay cycle rule.

    Work Schedule

    Specify or select a contract work schedule.

    First Pay Cycle End Date

    Specify the first pay cycle end date.

    Pay Frequency

    Specify the first pay cycle end date and pay frequency. Select "L" Load function to automatically calculate and load the pay cycle begin and end date ranges and number of remaining pay cycles.

  3. Complete the line information if the calculated and loaded pay cycle begin and end date ranges need to be modified. Specify this information:
    Pay Cycle Begin and Pay Cycle End

    Specify the begin and end pay cycle dates.

    Note: The date range must fall between the work schedule work start date and the contract end date.
    Remaining Pay Cycles

    Specify the number of remaining pay cycles for the contract work schedule. Remaining pay cycles cannot be zero.