Defining company contract rules

You must define contract rules to create and manage employee contracts.

  1. Access Company Contract Rule (CM00.1).
  2. Select Company.
  3. Specify the contract Effective Date.
  4. Use the Work Schedule tab to define work schedule options:
    Paid Day Code

    Select a day code to use for paid days.

    Unpaid Day Code

    Select a day code to use for unpaid days.

    Weekend Day Code

    Select a day code to use for weekends.

  5. Click the Contract tab to define these contract options:
    Contract Pay Class

    Select a pay class to track and report total hours and wages associated with the base contract. A pay class is used for updating and tracking employee base contract balances.

    Docking Pay Class

    Select the pay class used to track and report total contract docking payout amounts.

    Benefit Pay Class

    Select a Pay Class to track and report total hours and wages that are associated to the Benefit Plan.

    Benefit Salary

    Flag which Benefit Salaries would refer to the contract amount as basis for benefit contribution and coverage.

    Pay Cycle

    Select a pay cycle. A pay cycle determines when time records are generated for the base contracts and supplemental assignments.

    Note: You must select at least one pay cycle. The default value for the pay cycle is the contract base assignment at the time the record is manually added on Employee Contract (CM13.1) and Employee Assignments (CM14.1 and CM15.1) or automatically generated by Employee Contract Mass Add (CM101).
  6. Click the Time Record Processing tab to define these time record options:
    Prior First Pay Cycle Start

    Select how to pay the employees who have earned days ahead of their first pay cycle start date or when the employee becomes eligible for pay based on the first pay cycle end date defined on the Work Schedule Maintenance (CM01.1).

    • If you select No Reserve, then the actual time worked before the first eligible pay cycle will be generated in a Regular Pay Code time records for Earned/Worked time only on the first check.

    • If you select All in Reserve, then the actual time worked before the first eligible pay cycle will be generated and offset to the Reserve Pay Code time record.

    Late Mid Pay Cycle Start

    Select how to pay the employees whose base assignment start date falls mid pay cycle after their work schedule first pay cycle.

    • If you select Pay Actual, then the actual time worked is generated for that pay cycle.

    • If you select Normal Payout, then the normal calculation of Regular hours/amount for Time Generations 1 and 2; and Regular and Reserve hours/amount for those with Time Generations 3,4,5 is performed by the Contract Time Record Generation program.

    Time Record Generation

    Select the type of time record generation. Contract Time Record Generation (CM130) uses this value to determine how to calculate and create contract time records.

    • If you select Paid by Pay Cycle, then one time record for every pay cycle is generated based on the employee’s potential earnings.

    • If you select Paid by Work Period, then one time record for every work period within a pay cycle based on the employee’s potential earnings is generated.

    • If you select Earned and Reserve by Pay Cycle, then two time records per pay cycle are created; one for the earned hours and wages (determined by the number of worked days from the work schedule based on the day code pay status) and one for the reserve hours and wages (determined by the difference between the paid and earned hours and wages).

    • If you select Earned by Work Period and Reserve by Pay Cycle, then one earned time record for each work period within a pay cycle will be generated and one reserve time record for the whole pay cycle will be generated.

    • If you select Daily earned and Reserve by Pay Cycle, then an earned time record (determined by the day code pay status from the work schedule) for each worked day will be generated within the pay cycle and a reserve time record for the whole pay cycle.

    Regular Pay Code

    Select a regular pay code.

    If you select Paid by Pay Cycle or Paid by Work Period in the Time Record Generation field, then the application sets the regular pay code wages based on the total paid amount per pay cycle.

    If you select Earned + Reserve by Pay Cycle; or the Earned by Work Period + Reserve by Pay Cycle; or Daily Earned + Reserve by Pay Cycle in the Time Record Generation field, then the application sets the regular pay code wages based on actual working days (determined by the employee's work schedule).

    Reserve Pay Code

    Select the pay code to use for reserve time record for contract payouts.

    This field is only required if you select Earned + Reserve by Pay Cycle; or the Earned by Work Period + Reserve by Pay Cycle; or Daily Earned + Reserve by Pay Cycle in the Time Record Generation field

    Retro Regular Pay Code

    Select the pay code to use for the adjustment of Regular Payout time record. The Contract Time Record Generation (CM130) program will automatically generate this Retro Pay Code when a contract is paying out on multiple segments due to a pay related change. An offsetting adjustment time record will be generated and linked to the new segment to back out a portion of the total paid amount that was already paid out and tracked on the old segment reserve time record.

    Retro Reserve Pay Code

    Select the pay code to use for the adjustment of Reserve Payout time record. The Contract Time Record Generation (CM130) program will automatically generate this Retro Pay Code when a contract is paying out on multiple segments due to a pay related change. An offsetting adjustment time record will be generated and linked to the new segment to back out a portion of the total paid amount that was already paid out.

    This can only be assigned if you select the Earned + Reserve by Pay Cycle; or the Earned by Work Period + Reserve by Pay Cycle; or Daily Earned + Reserve by Pay Cycle the option in the Time Record Generation field.

    Summer Step Down

    Select whether the remaining hours and wages after the work end date must be divided and paid equally over the remaining pay periods of the contract year.

    The Summer Step Down flag can be overridden by the employee contract in CM13.1 (Employee Contract).

    Equalize Wages

    Select whether the late-start employee should receive the same pay period wages as an employee who starts at the beginning of the contract year. Options 1 or 2 are only valid if the Summer Step Down flag is set to Y.

    The Equalize Wages flag can be overridden by the employee contract in CM13.1 (Employee Contract).

    Truncate Wage Calculation

    Select whether to require truncation of the annualized contract amount to the dollar when computing equalized pay period amounts. Option Y is only valid with Equalize Wages set to 1 or 2.

    The Truncate Wages Calculation can be overridden by the employee contract in CM13.1 (Employee Contract).

    Withhold Reserve

    Select whether to pay the reserves until the first pay period after the Work Schedule Work End Date.

    The Withhold Reserve can be overridden by the employee contract in CM13.1 (Employee Contract).

    Adjustment Tolerance

    Specify the percent of adjustment amount allowed to be computed per pay cycle. This value is applicable with Equalize Wages flag set to 2 (Yes; With Adjustment).

    The Adjustment Tolerance value can be overridden by the employee contract in CM13.1 (Employee Contract).

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
Generate a report of Company Contract Rules Company Contract Rule Listing (CM200)