Running a Posting Sequence Number Report (GL297)

Use this program to generate a listing of transactions by transaction sequence number and posting date.

To generate a report by transaction number, you must select C (Company) or J (Journal Book) in the Transaction Numbering Option field of the Journals (Books) form tab of Company (GL10.1). This option automatically assigns a sequential transaction number to each transaction as it is posted to the General Ledger.

Follow these steps to generate a posting sequence number report:

  1. Access Posting Sequence Number Report (GL297).
  2. Specify your reporting parameters. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Company / Company Group

    You must select a company or company group. You cannot select both.

    Fiscal Year / Periods / Actual Posting Dates / Transaction Number

    You must select one of these options:

    • A fiscal year, with or without a period range

    • A posting date range, or a posting sequence number range.

    • A transaction number range

      Note: The date that displays for each transaction in the report is the date when the transaction was posted using Journal Posting (GL190).

    You can select to generate a report on amounts (A), units (U), or both amounts and units (B). The default setting is A (Amounts). If you select U (Units), then you should not specify a currency or style.

    Report Currency

    This field determines the currency that is included in the report. Base Currency is the default setting. You can also select Report Currency 1, Report Currency 2, or All, which includes all report currencies and the base currency.

    Report Style

    This field determines how the report is organized. The default setting is Standard, which creates a report for the base currency.

    • Select Separate to create reports for each report currency and the base currency. This can produce up to three different reports.

    • Select Inline to create a report with the currency exchange calculation between the report currencies and the base currency.

    • Select Both to create the Inline style report and a separate report for all currencies. This can create up to four different reports.

Sample Posting Sequence Number Report

GL297   Date 11/07/00                                     Sequential Journal Report                                        Page    1
        Time 15:39                                        Company  526 EURO IMPORT XPORT              USD
                                                          Period 12 1999
                                                          Amounts Only

Seq Nbr    Date     Co   Account                     Activity         Reference  Rv Na Tp Debit                Credit
---------- -------- ---- --------------------------- ---------------  ---------- -- -- -- -------------------- ------------------
         0           526 COSMETIC        011200-0000                             N  N   A            1,000.00                 0.00
JE# GL  N        2-00  Cash-Checking                           Doc:                              Desc Sales income
         0           526 COSMETIC        015400-0000                             N  N   A            1,000.00                 0.00
JE# GL  N        2-00  Miscellaneous Inventory                 Doc:                              Desc Sales income
         1 11/07/00  526 COSMETIC        011200-0000                             N  N   A                0.00             5,000.00-
JE# GL  N        1-00  Cash-Checking                           Doc:                              Desc Cosmetic purchases
         2 11/07/00  526 ACCT            011300-0000                             N  N   A                0.00               200.00-
JE# GL  N        3-00  Cash-Other-This-is-the-sixty-character  Doc:                              Desc FRF invoice payment
         3 11/07/00  526 ACCT            015100-0000                             N  N   A              200.00                 0.00
JE# GL  N        3-00  Stock-Supplies                          Doc:                              Desc FRF Invoice payment
         4 11/07/00  526 COSMETIC        015400-0000                             N  N   A            5,000.00                 0.00
JE# GL  N        1-00  Miscellaneous Inventory                 Doc:                              Desc Cosmetic purchases

Total For Period 12                                                                                  7,200.00             5,200.00-

Total Company Transactions                                                                           7,200.00             5,200.00-