Lawson Financials (FIN) Data Mart

The Lawson Financials Data Mart is a multidimensional database that lets you view your General Ledger data from a variety of angles for analysis and decision making.

You can define the dimensions for the Lawson Financials Data Mart on Financial Data Mart Setup (GLDM.1).

These dimensions are required for the Lawson Financials Data Mart:

Dimension Description
Organization A company, specific level of company, or a group of companies (two optional views).
Accounts Specific Chart of Accounts (with optional second Chart of Accounts).
Periods Period totals, period year-to-date totals, quarter totals, quarter year-to-date, yearly total.
Years Historical years (with optional variance calculation %/$).

For more information about defining the Lawson Financials Data Mart, see the Analytic Architect User Guide.