Rebuilding daily report currency balances

Note: For information on the Average Daily Balance application, see the General Ledger User Guide.

Use this procedure to rebuild daily report currency balances from transaction activity.

This procedure works only for Average Daily Balance (ADB) companies and for detail accounts that have been marked for average daily balance (ADB) tracking on Account Information (GL00.4) or summary accounts that have been marked for ADB tracking on Summary Account Options (GL00.5).

  1. Access Daily Report Currency Rebuild (GL328).
  2. Specify the rebuild parameters. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Company / Company Group

    You must specify or select the company or the company group for which you want to rebuild report currency daily balances. You cannot select both a company and a company group.

    Year Code / Year

    You must either select a year code or specify the fiscal year for which you want to rebuild balances. The year code can be C (Current), L (Last Year), or N (Next Year). If you leave this field blank, then the current year becomes the default value.


    You can select a date range for which you want to rebuild balances. If you do not select a date range, the current date defaults.

    Currency One Currency Two

    You can rebuild currency one amount, currency two amounts, or both currency one and currency two amounts. You must select Yes in at least one of these two fields.


    Select No (the default) to generate a report of the amounts rebuilt without updating the records. Select Yes to update the amounts.