Sample Income Statement (Report Currency)

GL293  Date 06/14/00                 Company 4321 - LGE Corporation           FRF        French Franc      Page    1
       Time 16:14                    Income Statement
                                     For Period  1 Ending January 31, 1999               Fiscal Year 1999

Consolidated                               LGE Corporation                        Consolidated

Account Nbr  Description                      Current Period      Year To Date  Last Year Period  Last Year To Date
------------ ------------------------------ ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
NET PROFIT   Net Profit
REVENUE      Revenue
GROSS SALES  Gross Sales
SALES        Sales Revenue
 41900-0000  [IS] Sales - Other                     1,025.00-         1,025.00-             0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
             Total Gross Sales                      1,025.00-         1,025.00-             0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
LESS         Less:
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
             Total Sales Adjustments                    0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
             Total Net Sales                        1,025.00-         1,025.00-             0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
OTHER REV    Other Revenue
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
             Total Other Revenue                        0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
COGS         Cost of Goods Sold
                                                    ---------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
             Total Cost of Goods Sold                   0.00              0.00              0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
             Total Revenue                          1,025.00-         1,025.00-             0.00              0.00
                                            ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------