About currency revaluation

Note: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, and Accounts Receivable have separate currency revaluation programs and processes. For more information, see the documentation for each application you use.

For each account, vendor, or customer that requires revaluation, the General Ledger, Accounts Payable, or Accounts Receivable application uses the current exchange or translation rate to reconvert non-base transaction amounts to the company base currency. If the current exchange or translation rate is different from the original exchange rate, then a gain or loss posts to a currency realized or unrealized gain or loss account.

In General Ledger, currency revaluation affects only those accounts flagged for revaluation. Posted transactions are revalued from the transaction currency to the company's base currency and, optionally, to the company's reporting currencies. The most recent rate entered in the exchange rate table or translation rate table is used for the revaluation. At the end of the period, the application creates journal entries for gains and losses that result from changes in the currency exchange rate.