Rebuilding report currency balances

Use this procedure to rebuild your report currency balances if your data is corrupt or if you interfaced historical report currency transactions and want to rebuild beginning report currency balances from the interfaced transaction amounts.

  1. Access Report Currency Rebuild (GL327).
  2. Specify the rebuild parameters. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Company / Company Group

    You must specify or select the company or the company group for which you want to rebuild report currency balances. You cannot select both a company and a company group.

    Year Code / Year

    You must select a year code or type the fiscal year for which you want to rebuild balances. The year code can be C (Current), L (Last Year), or N (Next Year). If you leave this field blank, then the current year becomes the default value.

    Acct Period Range

    You can select an accounting period range for which you want to update balances. The default setting is the current period.

    Rebuild Option
    • Select U (Update Period Balances) to update period balances only.

    • Select C (Calc Beg Bal) to calculate the current year beginning balance by rebuilding last year's period balances to calculate the correct current year beginning balance.

    • Select R (Calc Beg Bal - Report Only) to generate a report of the balances that will be rebuilt without actually updating the balances. This is the default.

    Accounting Unit

    You can specify or select a specific accounting unit for rebuild processing.

    Account Range

    (From) You can generate the report for a specific account range if the accounting unit field is populated. Specify the beginning account in this field. All accounts within this range for the specified accounting unit are included in the rebuild process.

    (To) You can generate the report for a specific account range if the accounting unit field is populated. Specify the ending account in this field. All accounts within this range for the specified accounting unit are included in the rebuild process.