Analyzing Transactions - Billable Amounts

Use this procedure to view the billable amount for all transactions, posted and unposted. The balances in this form might not equal the sum of the transactions, if the displayed transactions include some unposted transactions.

To analyze transactions

  1. Access Transaction Analysis - Billable Amounts (BR96.1).
  2. Specify the transactions to be analyzed. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select the activity for which you want to view transactions.


    You can analyze transaction amounts within a specific fiscal year. If you leave this field blank, transactions display for the current year.


    You can analyze transaction amounts within a specific period range. Type the beginning period in this field. If you want to analyze amounts for a specific period, type that period in this field and leave the through period field blank.

    Position To

    You can type an account category and specific date where you want to begin an inquiry.

  3. To narrow the inquiry further, click the Filter button to access Filter (BR96.2) to indicate how you want to narrow the selection of transactions displayed.