Changing Manual Milestone Status

Manual milestones are used to define and maintain milestones manually. A milestone is a significant point in an activity. Unlike days, date, or percent complete milestones which are identified by a set schedule and are updated and billed automatically, manual milestones let you change the status when the milestone is reached.

This procedure describes how to change the status of a manual milestone.

Note: This procedure is required only for manual milestone billing.

To change manual milestone status

  1. Access Manual Milestones (BR05.5) via Milestones (BR05.1).
  2. To change the status of a manual milestone, select the activity to define the milestones. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Type a code for the milestone and a description of the milestone.


    Type the amount to bill for each milestone


    Type a percent to calculate the milestone billing amount. If you enter a percent here, the billable amount in the Amount field above is calculated automatically.


    Select the milestone status:

    • 1 (To Process): The milestone is completed and should be included in the next revenue recognition process. To Process is the default.

    • 2 (Processed): The milestone was recognized for revenue.

    • 3 (Hold): The milestone is held from revenue recognition for one processing cycle.