Overriding Posting Accounts for Account Categories

You can use Contract Accounts (BR10.3) to post transactions to account parameters for specific account categories. This option lets you post revenue differently based on the cost. Use Contract Accounts (BR10.3) to post transactions to account parameters other than the contract default.

For example, you might want the revenue amount for pass thru billing to be posted to a different revenue account other than regular revenue. In this case, choose a revenue type account category and select the desired account detail.

To override posting accounts for account categories

  1. Access Contract Accounts (BR10.3). You can access this form directly or click the Account button on the Main tab on Contract Parameters (BR10.1).
  2. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Type or select the contract you want to override contract default information for.

    Cost Acct Cat (Account Category)

    Select the cost account categories, assigned to the contract, that you want to post contract amounts to.

    Revenue Account, GL Code, and Acct Cat

    If you want the revenue transaction to post to the company and accounting unit from the original transaction (revenue follows the originator of the expense), select a General Ledger account/subaccount combination. Or, to always post the revenue transaction to a specific company and accounting unit, select a GL code where you want to post contract revenue.

    After selecting either an account/subaccount combination or a GL Code, select a revenue type account category for the transaction.

    Reserve Loss GL Code

    Select the GL code to represent reserve losses.

    Loss GL Code and Acct Cat

    Select the GL code and account category to use for a loss entry.

  3. Click the * to add Revenue Adjustment (BR10.6) accounts. Select a general ledger account/subaccount and an account category used in posting and revenue realization information if defining it at the cost account category level.