Defining an Invoice Group

When you define an invoice group, you can group activities on a specific invoice within a contract and assign consecutive invoice numbers to the activities within the invoice group. This procedure describes how to define an invoice group.

To define an invoice group

  1. Access Invoice Groups (BR06.1).
  2. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Invoice Group

    Type the invoice group representing activities you want to include on a specific invoice.


    Type a description of the invoice group.

    Combine Contracts

    Select Y to combine activities across contracts for invoice groups assigned at the contract level. The default is N.

  3. To assign an invoice group to an activity, use the following guidelines to enter field values on Invoice Group Numbering (BR07.1):

    Select the contract for which you want to assign an invoice group number.

    Invoice Group

    Select the invoice group representing activities you want to include on a specific invoice.

    Invoice Number

    Type an invoice number which identifies a specific activity invoice within the invoice group.