Interfacing Records to Accounts Receivable

Interface refers to the process of transferring data between Lawson applications, or between Lawson applications and non-Lawson programs. Transactions are automatically interfaced from Billing and Revenue to Accounts Receivable through automatic update programs. However, if an error is encountered on a transaction during this interface process such as Invoice Print and Interface (BR121), use this procedure to edit the transaction and interface the updated billing record to Accounts Receivable.

To interface records to Accounts Receivable

  1. Access Interface Transaction (AR97.1) .
  2. Using the interface error report (example, the ARLL.1 report that prints when running BR120 in update mode with status 3, or BR121 when run in update mode), inquire on the Company and select the Next form action to see a transaction for that company. Edit the interface transactions as needed. You can also run Transaction Interface (AR560) to see a list of the transactions that have errors.
  3. Access Transaction Interface (AR560).
  4. To interface the updated billing records to Accounts Receivable, use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Type or select the Accounts Receivable company to interface transactions.

    Customer Range

    Type or select a beginning and ending customer number range to select transactions. If this option is selected, then the Unique Seq option must not be blank. Used for concurrent processing. If the customer range is left blank, all customers will be selected.

    Update Option

    Select No (N) to create a report only. The report identifies transactions that did not get processed, along with an error description. It also shows the total number of transactions processed, those successfully added, and those not added.

    Select Yes (Y) to process transactions and create a report.

    Unique Seq (Sequence)

    Use this option for concurrent processing. Each AR560 parameter job that is concurrently processed, must have a different unique sequence number to identify it as unique. If Unique Seq is entered, then the Customer Range must also be entered.

    Note: When you update using Transaction Interface (AR560), Accounts Receivable is updated with changes from all of the Lawson applications. It is not limited to only updating Billing and Revenue Management data.
  5. After you have processed transactions and created a report, you can display your transactions on Transaction (AR58.1).
  6. If you have interfaced payments without remittance records you can automatically apply payments on Automatic Cash Application Audit (AR130), or you can select open items for application and process them online or through a batch program using the following forms:
    To Use
    Enter payments and view transactions available for cash application prior to processing

    Entry and Application (AR30.1) or Entry and Speed Application (AR30.2)

    Note: AR30.1 shows more detail than AR30.2.

    See the Accounts Receivable User Guide for more information.

    Apply cash previously entered and released by another person.

    On Account Application (AR33.1). Typically this is used if the cash entry and cash application are separate functions. This allows you to process your applications without reviewing them first.

    See the Accounts Receivable User Guide for more information.

    Enter and apply cash to individual line items

    Line Item Application (AR34.1)

    Note: Transactions that do not have valid line items display here.

    See the Accounts Receivable User Guide for more information.