Creating Manual Invoices

Create invoices for retirees or COBRA participants for partial premiums or for retroactive premiums. Change your manual invoices until you run General Ledger Update (BN190). Updating Invoices and Payments to General Ledger

To create manual invoices

  1. Access Manual Invoice Entry (BN80.1).
  2. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Invoice Number

    If you are adding an invoice, leave this field blank; the application sequentially assigns invoice numbers for each retiree or COBRA participant.

    Benefit Type

    Select the benefit type for which the invoice is being created. This is a required field.


    Select the plan for which premiums are being invoiced. This is a required field.

    Start Date

    Type the start date of the retiree's or participant's benefit record for which premiums are being invoiced. This is a required field.

    Note: To see start dates for the retiree or COBRA participant, drill around on the Participant or Retiree field.
  3. In the Invoice section, use the following guidelines to enter field values
    Invoice, Due Date

    Type the manual invoice date that you want to print on the invoice. In the second field, type the date the payment is due. This date prints as the premium due date on the invoice. The application uses this date to determine when a payment is overdue. These are required fields.

    Invoice Amount

    Type the invoice amount to be billed to the retiree or COBRA participant. The invoice amount prints on the invoice created by Invoice Print (BN181) as the premium due amount. This is a required field.

    For retirees, the invoice amount must be less than or equal to the premium amount. For COBRA participants, the invoice amount must be greater than or equal to the premium amount.

    Premium Amount

    Type the premium amount for general ledger transactions. This is a required field.

    The premium amount is used to create general ledger transactions; the premium amount does not print on invoices. For retirees, the amount will include the company paid portion of the premium. For COBRA participants, the amount will not include any administrative fees that were included in the invoice amount.

    Note: The invoice's general ledger information defaults after you add the invoice.
  4. Select the Add form function.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
List manual invoices Invoice Edit (BN180)
Display all invoices, payments, and credit memos for a retiree or COBRA participant Transaction Inquiry (BN82.1)