Types of hours

Type Description
Payroll Hours Payroll hours originate in HRM Payroll.
LOA (Leave of Absence) Originate in ACA Leave Hours (BN54.2) or from the import process using ACA Hours Upload (BN554).
External Hours Originate from the import process using ACA Hours Upload (BN554) or records added manually in ACA Hours (BN54).
ACA Hours

ACA Hours are system generated.

  • ACA Hours = Payroll Hours + LOA Hours


  • ACA Hours = External Hours + LOA Hours

If there is a date with Payroll Hours and External Hours, External Hours are used and Payroll Hours are ignored.

ACA Monthly Counts (BN255) Create new ACA Monthly Totals (BN255) program for calculating Full-Time counts by month that will be used for 1094-C reporting. Counts will be entered using ACA Report Entity Year End Parameters (BN27.1).
ACA IRS Summary Hours (BN996) Use ACA IRS Summary Hours (BN996) to determine which report entity has the most hours by month. The report entity with the most hours for the month will report for the employee. In the case where the hours are equal, the first report entity in the database will be used as the employer for the month.