Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
List employees enrolled in a benefit plan Plan Participant Report (BN230)
List all benefits in which employees are enrolled Employee Benefit Report (BN231)
Create personalized benefit statements for employees Benefits Statement (BN232)
List plan participants for Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution plans Participation Report (BN236)
Create benefit statements to estimate the cost of employee benefits One Page Benefit Statement (BN242)
List employees whose benefits have not been completely added for the flex plan year Flex Missing Benefits Reports (BN246)
List employees who have not selected benefits or those who have not completed flex benefit selections for the flex plan year Benefit Exception Report (BN325)
Display plans an employee is enrolled Employee Benefit Summary (BN51.1)
Display an employee's annual contributions and deductions in a benefit plan Employee Benefit Detail (BN51.2)
Display participants of a plan as of a specific date. Current Plan Participants (BN50.1)
Display an employee's flex periods Flex Benefit Periods (BN46.1)
Display an employee's use of flex and pretax dollars for a flex benefit period Flex Benefits Inquiry (BN46.2)