Defining a primary benefit plan

  1. Access Benefit Plan (BN15.1).
  2. Select the Company.
  3. Select the Benefit Type.
    If the plan is Then
    Reserve spending Select the Misc tab and select Reimbursement.
    Saving Bond Select the Misc tab and type the value and cost of the saving bond.
    EL or DL Select the Misc tab and select Yes if imputed income.

    For Canadian Plans

    T4-RPP or DPSP

    Select Misc tab and type the plan registration number.
    Note: The application identifies benefit plans by benefit type and plan code. You can use the same plan code for the different benefit types that you define.
  4. Specify the code that represents the benefit plan.
  5. Specify or select the plan's basic information on the Main tab using these guidelines:

    Select a category for the benefit plan.

    If you define the plan to default by plan category, then this field is required.

    Start Date

    Specify the starting date for the plan. This is the earliest date any enrollment in the plan can occur.

    For defined contribution and defined benefit plans, the month and day of the start date define the beginning date for each plan year. Compensation, DC/DB account balances, and vesting, are tracked based on the plan year.

    Stop Date

    If there is a date after which employees are no longer able to enroll in the plan, then specify the stop date for the plan.

    Coverage Type

    Select the coverage type for the plan.

    Contribution Type

    Select the plan's contribution type. The contribution type you can select depends on the value that you selected in the Coverage Type field.


    Select the type of default plan. If you do not want the plan to be a default plan, then select N.


    Select if the plan is a waive plan.


    Select the plan's insurer.


    Specify the contract number of the insurance plan.


    Select the country code and the currency that you want to associate with this plan.

    If you leave currency field blank, then the application will use currency defined for the company.

    If your company uses multiple work countries, then this field is required.

    If your company does not use multiple work countries, then this field must match the company work country.

    You define whether or not a company uses multiple work countries on Company (HR00.1).

    Note: A benefit plan can only apply to one country and have only one currency.
  6. Select the Eligible tab to define employee eligibility.

    Use these guidelines to specify the field values:


    Select if employees are eligible to enroll in this plan.

    Employee Group

    Select an employee group to limit the plan's eligibility to employees in the employee group.

    Note: If you plan to use automation rules, then you must select an employee group.

    If you leave this field blank, then all employees who meet the plan's other eligibility requirements are eligible to enroll in the plan.

    If you select both an employee group and a postal code table, then employees must meet both eligibility criteria to be eligible for the plan.


    Select whether retirees are eligible to enroll in this plan and if you want to use an employee group to determine retiree eligibility.

    COBRA Participants

    Select whether COBRA participants are eligible or not to enroll in this plan.

  7. If you want to cover retirees or COBRA participants in this plan, then select the Billing Account tab and select the general ledger accounts for tracking COBRA participant and retiree contribution information.
  8. If this plan is a Flex Plan, then click the Flex tab.

    Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Flex Plan

    Select the Flex plan for this benefit plan.

    Flex Core

    Select Yes if the plan is a core benefit plan.

    Reduces Flex Credits

    Select a flex company deduction. If you leave this field blank, then the application does not use flex credits to pay for the benefit.

    Increases Employee Pay

    Select the pay code for the application to use to create a standard time record for the employee using the plan's frequency table.

    If you leave this blank, then the application creates or updates the employee's standard time record with the flex pay code entered on Flex Plan (BN06.1).

    Pay codes, refer to Infor Payroll User Guide for information about pay codes.


    If you are defining a flex vacation plan and you are using the application, then select the vacation plan that you want updated with the number of hours bought or sold with the Benefits Administration application.

  9. Click the Deduction tab to attach the benefit plan's frequency table and deductions. If the plan is defined with a contribution of No Contribution, then leave the fields on this tab blank.

    If you have not defined the necessary deduction codes, then you must define them now. Save the plan after attaching the frequency table by choosing the Add function at this point in the procedure. After you define the deduction, enter the codes on BN15 and select the Change function when you are done defining the plan.