Extracting Benefit and Enrollment Maintenance Data for HIPAA

Run Benefit Transaction Export (BN106) to extract data for the HIPAA 834 Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance file.

Note: You will need to format the file for EDI transmission. For information about formatting the file, see your internal technical or IS support personnel.

Provider Address, City, State and Zip Code are required in HR80.9 if you produce ACS X12 version 5010 compliant HIPAA834 file using BN106 (File Option 3 on Main tab).

You can download copies of the HIPAA Flat File Layouts in Human Resources Management file layout KB2218731 on Infor Customer Portal.

To extract benefit and enrollment maintenance data

  1. Access Benefit Transaction Export (BN106).
  2. On the Main tab, use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    File Option

    Select whether to create just a report that shows what information will be included in the transaction file or create both the file and report for either 5010 or 4010.

A file called Hipaa834 will be placed in your current directory.