Purging Benefit Enrollments
Purge employee, COBRA participant, and retiree benefits and their deductions. It is recommended that you keep at least one year of benefit history.
You have three ways to purge benefits.
Purge all benefits, flex benefit records, employee deductions, and standard time records under a flex plan for a specified flex plan year.
Purge all non-flex benefit and deductions with a stop date that is equal to or earlier than a designated date.
Purge all non-flex benefit and deductions in effect on a particular date. It is strongly recommended that you use caution when using this option. This option is designed to purge test data and as a result will purge benefits even if payroll history exists.
Purging records permanently removes them from the Lawson
database. You cannot retrieve purged information. It is strongly recommended
that you back up data, following your organization's MIS procedures,
before running any purge programs.
To purge benefit enrollments