Extracting Premium Payment Data for HIPAA
Benefits Administration provides a method for extracting benefit premium data into ASC X12N 820, the file format required by the Department of Health and Human Services in compliance with HIPAA requirements.
Before you extract premium data, define a plan sponsor ID in the HIPAA section of Benefit Company (BN00.1).
Note: Coordination between the Benefits and Accounts Payable
departments are required to produce a complete HIPAA 820 transaction
set. Since electronic payment can be sent separately from the supporting
detail, re-association keys and/or EFT payment details will be needed
for the premium receiver to put the actual payment and supporting
data together after transmission.
BN320 will create a single HIPAA 820 file, so you may need to run the program separately for each Health Plan.
Note: You determine what process/method you use to format the
data into the EDI standard format. Data may need to be extracted from
your AP application (whether using Lawson AP or other vendor) and
merged with the data from BN320 to produce the complete HIPAA 820
transaction set.
To extract premium payment data