Defining an automatic list

An automatic list is a group of customers that have common attribute values. You can use automatic lists to select customers for processing, reporting and inquiries.

Attributes must exist before you can use them in a list. You should also assign values to any customer that will become a member of the list.

To see how to define a manual list, see Defining a manual list

Follow these steps to define an automatic list.

  1. Access List (MX10.1).
  2. To go to Define List (MX10.2), click New List.
  3. To define header information for an automatic list from the Define List (MX10.2), specify this information:
    Object Type

    Specify or select an object type that you want to define in an automatic list. If you are assigning an automatic list for Billing, select Customer (CUST) as an object type.


    Specify or select a name and specify a description for an automatic list.

  4. On the Sort By Attribute tab, specify or select attributes in the sequence that you want to use include in the automatic list.
  5. On the Audit tab, view the user who created the automatic list, the date the list was last changed, and the date the list was last updated.
  6. Click Add.
  7. In the List (MX10.1) form, define the attribute criteria for customers you want in the automatic list. Specify this information:

    Specify or select at least one attribute that you want to include in the automatic list.

    Value range

    Specify or select a value range for each attribute that you want to include in the automatic list. If you want to include at least one value range, then specify that value and leave the Through Value field blank.

    Or Group

    Specify whether to group attributes with and/or logic. If you want to specify AND as the relationship of attributes, leave this field blank. If you want to specify any alphanumeric characters, specify OR. character to indicate an OR relationship, meaning that a customer is eligible for the list if it satisfies any of the attribute values.

    Note: If you need to change the Or Group field value, you must first delete the attribute line, then add with the new Or Group value. When you group attributes with the AND logic, a customer is eligible for an automatic list only if it satisfies any of the attribute values. When you group attributes with the AND logic, a customer is eligible for an automatic list only if it satisfies all of the attribute values. When in use,an automatic list is updated dynamically
  8. To view the customers that meet the list's eligibility criteria in Customer View Preview (AR23.3), click Preview.