Using pricing worksheets (BL/DST)

You can use pricing worksheets to precalculate and massage price bases before you actually update them. You can create price bases from worksheet prices by using an existing item price source: issue cost, last received cost, or another base's current base.

When you create a pricing worksheet, you can perform a mass update to apply new prices to items by vendor, major sales class, or item number range.

This diagram shows how to create and process pricing worksheets:

Procedure flow: Using pricing worksheets
  1. Access Worksheet (BL41.1).
  2. Specify the header information.
  3. If you can set up location-based pricing, then select the existing source information in the Source section. Specify this information:
    Inventory Location
    If the base price used to modify is located in at a specific location, then select that inventory location.
    Last Issue Cost
    Click whether the last issue cost is your first or second choice for the price source. If you are updating a price base and the base name is unknown, then you can update from the last issue cost of the item.
    Last Received Cost

    Click whether the last received cost is your first or second choice for the price source. If you are updating a price base and the base name is unknown, then you can update from the last received cost of the item.

  4. Specify the price base name, currency, location, and effective dates to update in the worksheet.
  5. Click the Item Selection tab.
  6. Specify the items that are affected by the price change.
  7. To create worksheet prices, use Base List Worksheet Creation (BL140).
  8. To update worksheet price bases for items and assign a next price base for each item, use Worksheet Items (BL42.1).
  9. To update price bases for items with multiple pricing units of measure, use Worksheet Item Unit of Measure (BL42.2).
  10. Release the worksheet. You can use different release methiods to release the worksheet:
    • Use Worksheet Release (BL43.1) to release the worksheet from a list of available worksheets.
    • Use Worksheet Items (BL42.1) to release an individual worksheet.
    Note: Before you update the worksheet, ensure that the next price base and effective dates are correct. You cannot change worksheets after you update them.
  11. To update the worksheet, use Base List Worksheet Update (BL141).