Setting up process levels (BL/DST)

You can set up process levels in your company.
Note: Set up first the process level before using a division or sales office.

Before you can add a process level in Billing, you must first define the process level in Accounts Receivable.

This diagram shows the set up process to add form action in BL01.1:

Procedure flow: Setting up process levels
  1. Access Process Level (BL01.1).
  2. In the Company field, specify a company to set up a process level.
  3. In the Process level field, specify which reporting hierarchy to use for the company.
  4. Optionally, you can specify a remit-to address that is specific to a process level on the Remit To tab:
    1. Specify the name of the process level to print as part of the remit-to address.
    2. In the Address 1 to Address 4 fields, specify lines of the remit-to address to print on the Billing documents created for the process level. If you leave these fields blank, then the company address is the default remit-to address.
      Note: You can specify up to four lines of the remit-to address.
    3. In the City or Address 5 field, specify the remit-to city to print on all Billing documents created for the process level. If you leave this field blank, then the Billing company city is the default remit-to city.
    4. Specify the remit-to state or province to print on all Billing documents created for the process level. If you leave the State or Province field blank, then the Billing company state or province is the default remit-to state or province.
    5. Specify the remit-to postal code to print on all Billing documents created for the process level. If you leave the Postal Code blank, then the Billing company postal or zip code is the default remit-to postal code.
    6. Specify the remit-to county to print on all Billing documents created for the process level. If you leave the County field blank, then the Billing company county is the default remit-to county.
    7. Select the country code required for reports.
    8. Specify the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) number to use on Billing to process EDI for transmitting order acknowledgments and order receipts electronically.
      Note: An EDI number is up to 15-digit long. To assign an EDI number to a customer, open Customer (AR10.1). For special order items, you can use the default sales and cost accounts from the process level.
  5. Select the default general ledger accounts in the GL Accounts tab to override company level account decisions, select the default general ledger accounts in the GL Accounts tab:
    1. In the Special Order Sales fields, select or specify the default general ledger account unit, account number, and sub account number.
    2. In the Rounding fields, select or specify the default accounting unit, account, and sub account number.
      Note: If you set the Rounding to W (Nearest whole amount) on the Invoice Options tab of Company BL00.1, then you can use the rounding accounting unit, account, and sub account for Billing invoicing.
    3. Use unique invoice prefixes to avoid the duplication of invoice numbers in Accounts Receivable.
  6. To control invoicing by process level, select the invoicing parameters in the Invoicing tab. Specify this information:
    Invoice Prefix
    Specify an invoice prefix to precede the invoice number. You can use this prefix to identify the invoices created by your company or process level.
    Credit Memo Prefix

    Specify a credit memo prefix to precede the credit memo number. You can use this prefix to identify the credit memos created by your company or process level.

    Recurring Invoice Prefix
    Specify a recurring invoice prefix to precede the recurring invoice number. You can use this prefix to identify the recurring invoices created by your company or process level.
    Run Invoice Print Edit

    Select Y to require the use of Invoice Print Edit Report (BL121) in Billing before printing and finalizing invoices.

    Print Final COD Invoice
    Select Y to create and print each invoice of cash-on-delivery orders for the driver and the customer.
    Note: If you select Y, then you can print and send the first invoice with the delivery driver. When the driver returns with the payment, you apply the necessary changes and then print the second invoice to send to the customer for records.
    Apply Discounts to Add-On Charges

    Select Y to include add-on charges in the discount calculations at the order level.

    Apply Terms to Add-On Charges

    Select Y to include add-on charges in the terms calculations.

    Note: If you include a discount in the payment terms and set it to N, then you cannot include the amount for add-on charges in the order total from which you calculate the terms discount.
    Apply Terms to Freight Charges
    Select Y to include freight charges in the terms calculations.
    Note: If you include a percentage discount in the payment terms and you set this field to N, then you cannot include the freight charge amount in the order total from which you calculate the terms discount.
    Post Cost For Interface Invoices

    Select Y to post cost for interface invoices.

    Tax Print Option

    Specify how to calculate and print tax on Billing invoices when using the Tax application:

    • D: Calculate tax at the line level and print tax detail on each line.
    • P: Include tax in the line amounts and print a summary of tax information.
      Note: If you select P, then tax is calculated at the line level.
    • S: Print a summary of tax information and calculate tax at the line level
    • T: Print a summary of tax information and calculate tax at the summary level.
    • B: Print tax at the line and summary levels.
      Note: If you select B, then the tax is calculated at the line level.
    • X: Print tax at the line and summary levels.
      Note: If you select X, then the tax is calculated at the summary level.
  7. Click the OE Defaults tab.
  8. Specify the order processing parameters such as default order type, cancellation reason, default ship days, and default location.
  9. To identify the point of order acceptance for tax purposes, specify the origination address on the Order Acceptance tab. If you do not specify an address, then the origination address is set to the default process level address.

    You can use Process Level Listing (BL201) to list company process level options as an example of related reports and inquiries.

  10. Click Add.